Visualize ping latency with R

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I got recently into a troubleshooting session where a performance issue between two hosts looked like a problem with the network. Network round trip time that should be in the range of 0.2ms shot up to around 2000ms every 30 seconds. To fence the problem I set up ad hoc ping probes on multiple hosts and multiple to different targets. Letting the data collection run for a few days, I gathered data in a file that was 1.5 million lines large. To analyze the data I created a graph with R.


Gather a large amount of network latency data with ping in a semicolon separated file on multiple hosts and compare the data by plotting it out with R.


  • A bunch of Linux hosts (other OS might work but the collector code needs to be adjusted)
  • R
  • Passwordless access to the hosts running the ping [optional]


Collect data

To collect the ping data an ssh connection to host collecting the data is made and the collected data is written to file. The HOSTS variable holds the ping source and ping destination as a colon ":" seperated list. The awk in this example expects the GNU version to be present.

HOSTS="ping01:pong01 ping02:pong02"
for hosts in ${HOSTS}; do 
    source_ip=$( getent hosts ${source} | cut -d " " -f 1 ) 
    file=/var/tmp/$( date +%F )_${source}-${target}_ping-test.txt 
    ssh -f -n ${source} \
      "echo 'datetime;source_ip;target_ip;proto;sequence;ttl;time_ms' > ${file}; \
       ping -i 1 -n ${target} | \
       awk -F '[ =_]' -v source_ip=${source_ip} \
           printf( \"%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n\", 
                   strftime( \"%F %T\" ), 
                   gensub( \":\", \"\", \"\", \$4 ), 
                   \$11 ); 
        }' >> ${file}" #2>/dev/null

See also